Food Library GDPR Privacy Statement

In a highly charged environment of data collection and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), privacy matters to us.

We are very aware of the need to develop a relationship of trust between The Food Library, our members and people who want to join the mailing list or purchase produce/tickets.

Because of this we have very clear and simple guidelines and structures in place that aim to protect you and us. We collect data exclusively for Library Membership, joining our Mailing List and Purchasing items such as produce/tickets.

Our guidelines are developed from looking at good examples of other libraries and similar organisations around the world and our own commitment to privacy.

We do not collect any data that we do not need and we do not share it with anyone.

Membership data

Whilst you apply and hold membership of The Food Library we will request and keep some of your personal data on our records.

To apply we ask for your name, date of birth, email and postal address. This is to identify who you are and how to reach you. When you visit us for the first time (the library is our private collection based in our house), we will ask to see a form of ID to match your membership details. We will not ask to copy or store this ID.

As and when you cease to be a member of The Food Library we will delete your personal data and if you also leave our mailing list, we will cease all communication with you.

Mailing list data

We collect your name and email address to keep you informed about our future events and activities, updates to our book collection, and notification of our seasonal collections, preserves, and infusions.

You can subscribe to receive email updates by signing up on our website ( and you have the option to unsubscribe in every email that we send to you.

If you request to leave our mailing list we will remove you from our database, and cease all communication with you.

Purchasing data

We use password protected, secure third party services via WordPress to take online payments. If you buy something from us we will keep a receipt of the purchase for our own tax records but we will not store any of your financial information. Where invoices are raised by us, we will be required to keep the invoice in a secured file for tax purposes. Again, we will not record or store any of your financial information.

How information is stored

1) We do not collect any data that we do not need and we do not share it with anyone. We do not store any information for longer than is necessary.

2) We keep a secured members database which is password protected. We also keep secured files with one copy of invoices which contain your name and address and are for tax purposes only.

3) We use secured, password protected third party websites for communicating with you and taking payments including:

WordPress โ€“ their privacy policy is here:
MailChimp โ€“ their privacy policy is here:
GMail โ€“ their privacy policy is here:
DreamHost โ€“ their privacy policy is here:

We do not use cookies or analytics, however each of these facilities may use cookies to improve user experience and should request your permission when doing so. Please see their individual privacy statements for details.

4) On ending Food Library membership or leaving the mailing list your data is permanently erased from our databases and removed from secured third party mechanisms including MailChimp.

5) You have every right to request details of what data we have about you, or to see where we keep it. For more information please contact

6) For more information regarding our GDPR approach, please contact